Dr. Okan Gökhan – Böbrek Taşı Kırma, Böbrek Taşı, Taş Kırma Merkezi, ESWL, Biosan

Dr. Okan Gökhan

Responsible Doctor

BİOSAN was founded in 1987 as the first stone breaking from outside of the body (ESWL) center in Turkey. It has initiated the founding of many stone treatment centers and has trained many doctors and health professionals working in these centers.

It has helped the stone treatment in our country to be in world standarts. It is still the leader in single kidney patients, horse shoe kidney patients and child patients due to the high technological equipments and the institutional experience for many years.

Our distinctive small focused equipment which has ultrasonic and x-ray imaging units can be used in Urology, Orthopedics and Gastroenterology